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Final Major Project - In Search Of The Muses


So as I head into my Final Major Project with Falmouth University I intend to use this blog to capture my activities including my regular one to one sessions with my tutor together with my research and photographic activities in the coming weeks and months.

This is likely to initially be a a moving feast as my plans start to take shape and evolve.

Prior to the start of this module we were asked to prepare a Pecha Kucha presentation to share with our tutor. This very specific style of presentation is 20 slides, each lasting 20 seconds, as was aimed at bringing to life where I am currently in terms of my practice and studies and where I am heading.

The following are the notes from the meeting.

Date of Supervision Meeting


Start time of Meeting


Length of Meeting in minutes

30 Minutes

Meeting Notes & Action Points

This meeting was an opportunity to share with Colin my Pecha Kucha presentation.

Having completed a full review of my practice and work on the MA to date I had established that the creative arts including music, poetry and writing had been a constant companion and link to the various modules. I am therefore looking to use the FMP to further explore the link between photography and all of the creative arts. Using the nine Muses from Greek mythology I intend work with still life photography, symbology and floriography, the language of flowers, to bring the Muses to life in a new and contemporary way.

Colin has encouraged me to ensure my voice comes through in this work and that I look to find a narrative that will bring the images together. He has suggested I get out and photograph flowers also in their natural habitat and consider the various stages of a flowers life cycle to bring further context to my work.

Date of Next Proposed Meeting

TBC Post FMP Proposal Submission

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