We started this week with a look at imagery with magazines and we tasked with the redaction of all of the text from a magazine.
In trying to find a publication that related to my current project I came across Enki, The Home of Design & Architecture.
There were a number of pages that resonated with me and brought home a number of observations. In the image above, having removed the text can you tell which image is an advert and which is the article. Surprisingly when shared with colleagues most assumed the image of the lights was the advert and yet it was the building that was the actual promotional page.
There were some pages with no need to redact the text. Why have words if you don't need them, let the images and architecture do the talking.

The spread above opens up a link to my current project thinking and that is the direct link between architecture and photography. By removing the text and focusing just on the photographs you could be forgiven for thinking this is from a Photography Magazine and these images are discussing rules of compositions. Look at those thirds and leading lines....
Colin Pantall observed the following having seen these images, 'What is interesting here though is the overlap between different forms of architecture, the idea of immersion in nature, and how that has been represented through the interaction between space, place and material (so Pallasmaa is relevant here completely). The photographic references might tie into both to the 1950s glamour of Julius Schulman (who photographed Frank Lloyd Wright's houses) or the Eames, together with a little bit of New Topographics concrete. This is great feedback and one that I now intend to dig into.
However having redacted all of the text the second part of the assisgnement was an altogether different technique, the rebuilding of the magazine by inserting our photographs back into the magazine. This was a powerful exercise and gave me chance to see how my images could sit both within a magazine but also work together.
I therefore brought this together in the following short film sequence.
Whilst the above exercise has not made me want to rush out and produce a magazine, the process of completing the task and making a short film to accompany this has given me plenty to think about as I begin to plan the required documentary film for the end of module assignment.